In honour of our new ‘Self-Care Szn’ collection I thought it would be good to actually give little tips on better self-care. Self-Care has become a super trendy ‘cliché’ buzzword that is so overused that we kind of forget the importance that it carries in our day to day lives.
Misemi has always been a super personal thing for me so each collection reflects where I am in life I suppose and at this moment I was trying to focus on my mental health and my happiness, to take time to actually love myself.
When I was looking online at all the tips for self-care I was surprised at the different element of self-care, and began to realise that small changes really do make all the difference.
So hopefully if you’ve seen out Instagram story you’re inspired to follow up on some of the tips shared. As for myself I’m trying to make one small change and have started journaling so hopefully that helps me along in my journey.
Anyways if you’ve made it this far into the blog post, you’re a real one, the inspo for this collection really just came from experimentation. I just wanted to experiment and create something cool for myself with pink dye and then thought this would be a sick mini-collection.
So enjoy even if you don’t shop this collection hope you take some time to take care of YOURSELF before anything else because YOU MATTER.